Voluntary military exercise students overcome their limits and face new challenges

 07. 08. 2024      category: Army of the Czech Republic
Přidat na Seznam.cz

In the second week of the voluntary military exercise (VME) at the Libavá military training area, high school students focused on more advanced military skills and more demanding tasks that helped them develop both physical and mental abilities. Under the guidance of instructors from the 7th Mechanised Brigade and their subordinate units, they underwent challenging and enriching training. VME Instructor Warrant Officer Michal Kozák commented on the course of the exercise: "It was amazing to see how quickly the students adapted and showed tremendous progress." Let's take a closer look at how the 2nd week of VME at the 7th Mechanized Brigade went.

Foto: Studenti dobrovolného vojenského cvičení (DVC) u 7. mechanizované brigády | svob. Brigita Ročňáková
Picture: Students of the voluntary military exercise (VME) at the 7th Mechanised Brigade | Pfc. Brigita Ročňáková

Extended training program

Soldiers were trained in more specialized skills such as outdoor survival, advanced small unit tactics, preparation for live fire with their small arms and grenade throwing. "This part of the training was really intense, but the soldiers handled it with great dedication," said one of the instructors.

The soldiers were also subjected to practical exams that tested their ability to apply the skills they learned in real-life situations. This part of the training emphasized decision-making under pressure and the ability to react quickly and effectively to changes in a situation. "We saw the soldiers grow and become more confident with each passing day," the instructor noted.

Foto: Momentka z 2. týdne DVC | svob. Brigita Ročňáková
Picture: Moment from 2nd week of VME | Pfc. Brigita Ročňáková

The second week also focused on further strengthening teamwork, with the soldiers having to work in different team groupings to realise the importance of flexibility and being able to work with different people. Emphasis was placed on communication, trust and mutual support, for example in a combat game during which the soldiers had to perform assigned tasks. "Teamwork is key, and it was great to see how the soldiers helped and supported each other," said instructor 7th MB.

The continued physical and mental stress served as a means to further develop the soldiers' personal qualities. Throughout the exercise, they were constantly provided feedback and individual guidance from the instructors so they could better understand their strengths and weaknesses and work to improve them. "Each of them moved forward, and that's the biggest reward for us," said 7th Mechanized Brigade Chaplain Capt. Rostislav Strojvus.

Foto: Momentka z 2. týdne DVC | svob. Brigita Ročňáková
Picture: Moment from 2nd week of VME | Pfc. Brigita Ročňáková

Evaluation of the second week

At the end of the second week, a battle game was held to assess the overall skills and progress of each soldier. This game combined all aspects of training and provided a comprehensive picture of their performance. "It was challenging, but everyone handled it well," noted Pfc. VME.

The second week of the voluntary exercise at Libavá was another step in their personal and physical development. The advanced training, emphasis on teamwork and personal growth provided them with valuable experience and skills that they can use not only in a military environment, but also in everyday life. "We are really proud of them," praised Warrant Officer Kozák.

A brief description of the content of the individual days of VME week 2 is given below:

Day 8: The soldiers started the day with physical preparation, which included physical exercises to improve fitness. This was followed by tactical training focusing on movement of the soldier around the battlefield and first aid in the field, including treatment and transport of the wounded. The afternoon focused on practical weapons handling, learning about hand grenades and the use of protective equipment against weapons of mass destruction.

Day 9: The day started with a morning warm-up and weapons practice. The soldiers focused on developing physical fitness and maintaining equipment. In the afternoon, they worked on radio traffic, learning the rules of radio traffic and practicing order of battle drills and weapon movements. They also covered first aid and psychological training.

Day 10: After the morning warm-up, the soldiers learned individual camouflage and practical weapon handling. They continued with first aid and transporting the wounded, orientation in the field and working with maps. In the afternoon, they learned getting out of uniform, approaching a superior officer, and learned about cyber threats and social media safety. They finished the day with recovery and compensation exercises.

Foto: Momentka z 2. týdne DVC | svob. Brigita Ročňáková
Picture: Moment from 2nd week of VME | Pfc. Brigita Ročňáková

Day 11: The morning started with a warm-up, followed by preparation for S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) level A. The soldiers practiced radio traffic, practical weapon handling, orientation and movement on the battlefield. They learned squad pre-combat formations and finished the day with night training.

Day 12: After a hard night's training, the soldiers returned to physical and psychological training. They practiced weapons drills and prepared for shooting.

Day 13: The day was devoted to military and civic training. The chaplain of the 7th MB, Captain Rostislav Strojvus, showed them the corners of Libavá. They visited Velká Střelna, Slate Quarry Ján, Zigartice Cemetery, Vojnicka Chapel and the last stop was at the Pilgrimage Church of St. James the Elder and St. Anna in Stará Voda near Libavá. In the evening time was spent on maintenance of material and self-study. Constant repetition is the mother of wisdom.

Day 14: The soldiers finished the week with physical training, competitions and team building activities that strengthened their collective cooperation and team spirit.

.   Foto: Momentka z 2. týdne DVC | svob. Brigita Ročňáková
Picture: Moment from 2nd week of VME | Pfc. Brigita Ročňáková

After 14 days of intensive voluntary military training, the soldiers also sent home more greetings to their parents, some of which we present here:

"Hi Mom and Dad, I wanted to assure you that I am doing well here. The training is challenging, but thanks to great instructors and friends, I'm making it through. Every day pushes me further and I learn a lot of new things. I miss you so much and look forward to telling you all about it. I love you guys so much," said Private VME.

"Mom and Dad, I want to thank you for your support. Training is hard, but I'm trying my best and I'm improving every day. The instructors give us strength and courage. I have a great group of people here who support each other. I'm thinking of you," said Private VME.

Everyone should try it...

Our editorial team asked selected students if they would recommend similar military events, such as the ongoing voluntary military exercise, to their friends?

"Everybody should try it because if they fail to handle any situation, they have the option to leave. But everyone should definitely go through it because it will give them a lot in life. He will learn and experience new things and then he can decide to go into the army. I am aware that many young people would not be able to cope with it, but these situations, which are there today and every day, teach people how to take care of themselves," said CZ DEFENCE private Ondřej Grenár.

"Absolutely, because I think it's a great opportunity to gain insight into the military, as well as for self-development and crisis preparedness. It's useful," Pfc. Natálie Machaňová told our editors.

Thanks to VME instructors

The command of the 7th Mechanised Brigade also appreciated the work of the VME instructors, expressing their sincere gratitude for their efforts, dedication and professionalism demonstrated during the voluntary military exercise of high school students, adding that their professional guidance, patience and ability to motivate the participants are crucial for the successful conduct of this exercise.

Through the commitment of VME instructors, high school students gain valuable skills, experience and memorable experiences that will serve them not only in their future careers, but also in their personal lives.

Next continuation of VME

Currently, the voluntary military exercise for secondary schools is entering its final, most challenging stage, when students will first undergo live small arms fire and grenade throwing, allowing them to practice their accuracy and technique in real conditions. These exercises will be followed by comprehensive field training that includes simulations of real military situations. This training is designed to thoroughly test all the skills and experiences that the students have acquired throughout the program. Participants will be confronted with a variety of scenarios that require quick decision-making, physical fitness and mental resilience.

The whole program will culminate on 14 August with the ceremonial entry and swearing-in of the military oath in the picturesque Castle Garden of Hranice. This important event will symbolically close this year's intensive training, while also highlight the importance and value of the experience gained for students' future lives. The ceremony will be attended not only by the students' families and friends, but also by prominent personalities from the city and military forces, underlining the importance and prestige of the entire program. This graduation ceremony will celebrate the perseverance, determination and teamwork that the students have demonstrated during their rigorous training.

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